Genomes that is. The hype in internet sharing is not each own's private parts anymore. I predict that in a few years time, all the
lets-make-friends online services will not be about sharing glamorous or revealing photographs of ourselves, but it will be all about showing our secret genes to our friends.
Dr. James D. Watson has now started it. After his genome was decoded, he has decided to share it with all the researchers around the world. Well, not his whole genome... There are some parts that he decided to keep away from the public... And this is where this gets interesting. Watson has decided to not reveal "his apolipoprotein E gene,
the status of which he does not wish to know because it predisposes a person toward Alzheimer's disease." ...His "private parts" genes. This will bring us to a whole new discussion. A complete genome of yourself will expose all your imperfections. And it would empower people to scorn you around with scientific backing! I can already hear the shouts in future kindergartens: "Your dad is likely to become bald! And he has smelly feet! Its all in is vitaminic ABC genes! Ha-ha" ... Oh the kids these days...
The question now is: Which genes will be your "private parts"?
Labels: Genome, News, Predictions, Private Parts
My private part genes are bigger than yours!
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