The whole controversy about the new Die Hard movie being rated PG-13 is quite the conundrum. I mean, seriously who wants to see a politically correct Bruce Willis?... I've seen one, in that Disney movie where nowadays Bruce Willis meets with his 1950's chubby quirky self, that movie sucked big time. Bruce himself said that he was pissed about the movie being cut up like that, that it takes away a bit of John McLane, and I agree cause now all he's got is guns. No more shall we laugh at his surgical one liners right before the bad guy bites it. We want to see a Bruce Willis who's always cracking sexual jokes, poking fun at racial minorities and doing all that with the silly stupid grin we're all so used to see. I mean he doesn't even have Samuel L. Jackson by his side, and we all know that between the two of them Mr. Potty Mouth is Vince Vega's buddy, right?
Please, gentlemen of the MPAA, I urge you to reconsider your decision. Or at least redo the movie with Haley Joel Osment as John's 'overgrown kid trapped in an adult body' sidekick... please.
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