Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Yes a great turn based RPG happens. It had been a while since I'd played such an entertaining game on GBA, but this one was a big suprise because it combines a lot of cool stuff in one lil' tiny cartridge. Story wise, we have a bad wave of demon possessed kingdom that is running throughout the land, wrecking havoc just so they can find the dammed stones, you play Erika the princess of the first kingdom to get drop kicked by the meanies, and you'll meet lots of exciting people, not in the Knights of Xentar way though (+10 geek points), and you'll even get a chance to switch character later on in the game. The story and structure is very much like every other RPG, I'll call that structure the 'Square Enix Structure'(+1 geek point) so that you geeks out there know exactly what I'm talking about. You start the game with two character, being led through a very self explanatory battle/tutorial. You play map by map with quite a big array of objectives, enters the Advance War similarities (survive # of turns, kill all enemies, seize throne, etc...). Very soon you understand that you can do things with these characters, you can equip them with cool stuff, weapons, you can choose how they will spend the experience they earn after each battle, and ultimately you can build yourself a killing team worthy of Cloud, Barret and Tifa (+5 geek point!). The difference here is that you dont go around maps like in Zelda, cutting down plants and hitting monsters with your stumped sword. You get an overall perspective of everything, very much like in Advance Wars(+1 geek point) and the turn based engine makes it feel even more 'Advance War-y'.

Because of the huge number of characters that you will stumble upon throughout the game you'll have to make choices. So will you choose the stealthy metrosexual thief or will you choose the Abercrombie & Fitch model who happens to wield a massive axe? I wonder. It's on you man, and this makes the game a complete new experience every time you start a new campaign. So here it is, Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones, is a lengthy Advance Wars meets Seiken Densetsu 2 (+5 geek points) where every choice you make might very well mean losing or winning the battle on your precious GBA.
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