SK + SCft = Luv 4 Ever more
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

For those of you who dont know a thing about Blizzard's Starcraft, lay back, relax and try to take it all in as I tell you about the love story between a country and a computer game.
Back in the day, I think it was 1998, Starcraft was the bomb! Everyone played it, everyone knew it, everyone barfed when the Zerg leader had to say something. But the buzz around Europe was nothing compared to the huge impact it had on the South Korean geek comunity, they went pro over yonder. Starcraft went live on 3 TV Channels, the geeks won sponsorships and were catapulted to stardom, dudes would build maps and story lines for a living, the leagues could pay as much as $200.000 usd in prize money. Bottom line, they took it to a whole new level making Starcraft into a highly competitive real-time strategy multiplayer game that moved a lot of people, a lot of money and ultimately ruled the lives of 3.5 million South Koreans.
So last saturday, in Seoul (South Korea) Blizzard came out swinging with the new game, the 'numero dos', it looks amazing, it sounds amazing, the gameplay is still super psyched and the Zergs still look like crap.
Last saturday Blizzard gave South Korea an orgasm. I wish them both all the best!!
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