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Apple FTW
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I don't know what's happening lately, but everywhere I turn i see some Apple related product-news-hype-ad something! Even this blog has its share of Apple hype. Apple iPhone, iPod, iBook, i wonder... where is this resurrected company going?? Kudos to them for this 'reborn out of their own ashes' move. Here are some of the latest Apple related headlines:
oh. you actually meant the image link. Blame blogger for that! We don't own a dedicated image server. We just upload links to blogger. Don't know why it didn't upload your file. Good luck with your 'image blocking' code.
Stopped hotlinking yet?
stopped whining yet? :)
btw, if the links are good there is no good reason not to link them. That's actually the reason why they exist.
oh. you actually meant the image link. Blame blogger for that! We don't own a dedicated image server. We just upload links to blogger. Don't know why it didn't upload your file. Good luck with your 'image blocking' code.
Why can you not host the image on your blog? It's not hard; others appear to manage it.
If you wish to link to a picture on asite, you should have the decency to e-mail webmaster@domain.tld and request permission.
*sigh* that's the whole point. We always thought that blogger was uploading the images correctly. If it is not, we'll have to contact them on that.
Epa voces soh arranjam eh problemas com o chris. Tenho a certeza que existe um add-on para o blogger para usarem fotos directamente do flickr...
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